Photo Gallery

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Images captured during AEPS project implementation, on Danube river

Images captured during AEPS project implementation, on Porecka river, Borski county, Serbia

Images captured during AEPS project implementation, on Carska-Bara, Special nature reserve, Serbia

Images captured during AEPS project implementation, on Cerna river, Gorj, Caras-Severin & Mehedinti counties, Romania

Images captured during AEPS project implementation, on Saski Potok river, Borski county, Serbia

Images captured during AEPS project implementation, on Berzasca river, Caras-Severin county, Romania

Images captured during AEPS project implementation, on Mali & Veliki Pek forming the Pek river, Borski & Branicevski county, Serbia

Images captured during AEPS project implementation, on Nera river, Timis county, Romania