






The AEPS Joint Steering Committee invites all interested parties to the Closing Conference of the project – Academic Studies on Transboundary Surface Water Quality Romania-Serbia, that will be held in Bor, Hotel Albo, Nade Dimić bb, conference room from 8 to 9 February 2021, starting at 11:30 a.m.

Project closing 8-9 February 2021 AGENDABor, Hotel Albo, Nade Dimić bb, conference room


The AEPS project Joint Steering Committee invites all interested parties to the Project Closing ConferenceAcademic studies on Romania-Serbia cross-border surface water quality, that will be held in Timisoara, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Bv. Mihai Viteazu no.1. N110 amphitheater in 5-6 February 2021, starting with 10:30

Project closing 5-6 February 2021 AGENDA – Timisoara, Bv.Mihai Viteazul no1, Amphitheater N110

Participation in the conference is possible both physically and online by directly accessing: and live on the project Facebook page:

Note that due to the restrictions imposed by HG 3/2021, which limit physical participation to a maximum of 25 persons, please confirm to us by e-mail (using contact page) the participation in person!



Technical Faculty in Bor has started tender procedure: Purchase of laboratory dryer
Tender dossier and participation condition are available at
(CTRL +F, and type 462 in browser search box)


University Politehnica Timisoara has started tender procedure: Organization of training workshop
Tender dossier and participation condition are available at
(CTRL +F, and type 462 in browser search box)


Pro-Mehedinti Association has started tender procedure: Services of catering, transport and accommodation
Tender dossier and participation condition are available at
(CTRL +F, and type 462 in browser search box)






University Politehnica Timisoara has started tender procedure: Chemical regents for analysis
Tender dossier and participation condition are available at
(CTRL +F, and type 462 in browser search box)


University Politehnica Timisoara has started tender procedure: Maintenance services for Scanning Electron Microscope with EDX analyzer
Tender dossier and participation condition are available at
(CTRL +F, and type 462 in browser search box)


Technical Faculty Bor has started the tender procedure: Support services for project reporting and implementation activities
Tender dossier and participation condition are available at
(CTRL +F, and type 462 in browser search box)


University Politehnica Timisoara has started tender procedure: Kit for sample preparation material for SEM – Scanning Electron Microscopy
Tender dossier and participation condition are available at
(CTRL +F, and type 462 in browser search box)


Technical Faculty Bor has started the tender procedure: Purchase of vehicle
Tender dossier and participation condition are available at
(CTRL +F, and type 462 in browser search box)


University Politehnica Timisoara has started tender procedure: Kit for sample preparation material for SEM – Scanning Electron Microscopy
Tender dossier and participation condition are available at
(CTRL +F, and type 462 in browser search box)

The tender was canceled. Will be restarted soon!


Pro-Mehedinti Association has started the tender procedure :
“Services of design and multiplication of promotional materials”
Tenders dossiers and participation condition are available at
(CTRL +F, and type 462 in browser search box)


Pro-Mehedinti Association has started the tender procedure :
“Services of design and multiplication of promotional materials”
Tenders dossiers and participation condition are available at
(CTRL +F, and type 462 in browser search box)

Note: the tender procedure was canceled!




Technical Faculty Bor has started the tender procedure :
“IT equipment’s”
Tenders dossiers and participation condition are available at
(CTRL +F, and type 462 in browser search box)


NGO Village has started the tender procedure:
Services-TD4 (external experts, trainers and moderators)
Tenders dossiers and participation condition are available at
(CTRL +F, and type 462 in browser search box)


NGO Village has started the 5 tender procedures:
– “Services-1 (design and print) “
– “Services-1 (organization of events)”
– “Services-TD1 (design and print)”
– “Services-TD2 (organization of events)”
– “Services-TD3 (experts, trainers and moderators)”

Tenders dossiers and participation condition are available at
(CTRL +F, and type 462 in browser search box)


Technical Faculty in Bor has started tender procedure for “Purchase of laboratory equipment”
Tender dossier and participation condition are available at
(CTRL +F, and type 462 in browser search box)


The AEPS project Joint Steering Committee invites all interested parties to the Project Opening Conference that will be held in Bor, Hotel Albo, Nade Dimic bb, in 25 November 2019, starting with 11:30


The AEPS project Joint Steering Committee invites all interested parties to the Project Opening Conference that will be held in Timisoara, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Bv. Mihai Viteazu no.1. 115 amphitheater in 18 November 2019, starting with 11:30

The Conference will be opened by his excellency, Vladan TADIC, PhD, the Consul of General Consulate of the Republic of Serbia in Timisoara and Slavoliub ADNAGI, deputy in Chamber of Deputies – Romanian Parliament.


University Politehnica Timisoara has started tender procedure for “Acquisition of laboratory equipment”
Tender dossier and participation condition are available at
(CTRL +F, and type 462 in browser search box)


University Politehnica Timisoara has started tender procedure for “Services for organizing conferences”
Tender dossier and participation condition are available at
(CTRL +F, and type 462 in browser search box)


Technical Faculty in Bor has started 3 tender procedures:
– “Organization of events”
– “Printing and publication promotional materials and announcements”
– “English translation”

Tenders dossiers and participation condition are available at
(CTRL +F, and type 462 in browser search box)


Technical Faculty in Bor has started tender procedure for “Procurement expert”
Tender dossier and participation condition are available at
(CTRL +F, and type 462 in browser search box)
